It's That Time Again

Every year between October and November companies begin to notify employees about benefit renewal. During this time you can modify your benefit elections for the upcoming year. Although medical benefits are one of the main elections that many people are concerned about, don’t forget to take advantage of some other benefits your company may offer.Dependent care accounts (DCAs) allow families who pay for child care to save before tax dollars up to $5,000 per year for dependent care expenses. You can access the account for reimbursements with your receipts and/or pertinent documentation for child care, nursery school, or at-home care for dependents. If you put $5,000 for the year 2012 or $416.67/month into this account it will come out of your paycheck prior to taxes. Therefore, your taxable income is reduced by $5,000 for the year. Not only is it an automatic savings account, but it is advantageous on your tax returns. Be sure to only designate the exact amount you will need because the funds do not roll over to the next year.

Also, check into term life insurance. Group plans are by far the least expensive way to pay for life insurance. You need 8-10 times your income so that the ones you love are financially taken care of when you are gone.

Most importantly, you need to evaluate your medical care. Look back over 2011 and see how much you spent on medical needs. Review the choices available so you spend the least amount of money but get the most benefit for you and your family. I love HSAs because they are savings accounts that grow tax-deferred but you can use the funds on medical expenses. You can keep this account until you turn 65 at which point you can use the money for anything you desire after you pay the taxes!

Take action today! Know your options and make sound decisions concerning your benefit choices. It will pay off in the long run!


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